Anti-Racist Resources


This list is in progress and we are always adding to it. Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] if you have suggestions.

Expand capacity for courageous conversations about racism by Dr. Amanda Kemp

Race Forward’s toolkit for talking about race

An incredible example of the above ACT model (affirm, counter, transform) through Heather McGhee’s wisdom

Talking about race guide from the Smithsonian National African-American Museum (includes section about parenting)

Recommended Reading on Antiracism and Racial Justice

An incredible offering from award-winning DEI leader Mary-Frances Winters, Inclusive Conversations: Fostering Equity, Empathy, and Belonging Across Differences, is now available for pre-order (you can pre-order to a local bookstore). This book turns specific strategies and competencies to turn her theory into practice.

child psychologist’s advice on talking to kids about racism and protests


An age-by-age guide to how kids learn about race called Stages in Children’s Development of Racial and Cultural Identity & Attitudes 


Facing History offers teachers tools to help students learn about and prevent hatred and bigotry to prevent it


Mosaic Project written resource: Action Guide for Families: 12 Tools & Tips for Taking Action Towards Social Change 


Forest Freedom School Info Session hosted by Abundant Beginnings


Books for teaching Anti-Racism


Confronting White Nationalism in Schools toolkit


California Film Institute resources for Black lives for children


Awareness and Action Summer Program for children, fee on a sliding scale


Music for Racial Justice. Also see the Alphabet Rockers organization. 


Nicole Byer on talking to kids about racism.


Soul Shoppe


Embrace Race


See commentary on the most recent Sesame Street episode about race 


Advice from Ibram X Kendi on speaking with children about race


Animated Series on Something Happened in Our Town and book (online)


7 Reminders for White Parents Talking to Their Kids About Police Killing Black People

Resources for White Parents Raising Antiracist Children

Integrated Schools: Families Choosing Integration:


Raising White Kids with Jennifer Harvey:


Nice White Parents:

Sulwe by Lupita Nyong’o

Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Pena

Antiracist Baby by Ibram X. Kendi

I am Enough by Grace Byers

Conscious Kids Book Bundles from Marin County Free Libraries

I Am Every Good Thing by Derrick D. Barnes

Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness by Anastasia Higginbotham

Nurturing Brave Kids Who Seek Justice by Rebekah Gienapp:

The Conscious Kid:

“An education, research, and policy organization dedicated to equity and promoting healthy racial identity development in youth. We support organizations, families, and educators in taking action to disrupt racism in young children.”



Raising race conscious children

Race-conscious parenting requires us to take our own blinders off first, so we can teach our children to be race conscious, not colorblind.


Race-conscious parenting starts with an understanding that we can’t know what we don’t know, because as white people we were not taught to think critically about race.


Race-conscious parenting works in opposition to, and seeks to dismantle, the colorblind framework that it is racist to notice race. It is our inattention to race that actually reinforces racial inequities.


Race-conscious parenting requires us to develop our own capacities to recognize and name race so that we can help our children start to develop anti-racist thinking and behaviors.


Race-conscious parenting looks for opportunities to engage in race talk on the daily, and not only at times of racial tension.


Race-conscious parenting encourages our children’s curiosity and questions about difference and race and helps them connect their internal feelings to the external realities of the world around them.


Race-conscious parenting also means naming whiteness, and understanding that we have a white racial identity, and that there are antiracist ways to be white.


Race-conscious parenting understands that racism hurts everyone, even white people, and that our liberation is intimately related to the liberation of people of color.


Race-conscious parenting understands that white supremacy is a problem for white people to solve and we can use our privileges to interrupt it.


Race-conscious parenting recognizes race as a system of power and understands the ways that this power is organized and distributed in our society.


By becoming race conscious and learning to recognize, name and interrupt racism, we can start doing the real work of dismantling it.


From Rooting In & Raising Up: Cultivating Race Consciousness in Children, One Conversation at a Time, a workshop from Red Lotus Consulting


Black Power: 47 Children’s Books on Black Activists, Innovators, and Scholars Who Changed History


To honor the power, place, and importance of Black voices telling Black stories, this list features books written by Black authors. The majority (64%) of children’s books about Black people (and Black history) are written by white authors. White voices have historically been (and continue to be) given priority over Black people to define and document Black stories.

This book list was created by The Conscious Kid, in partnership with LINE4LINEThe Conscious Kid is a critical literacy organization that promotes access to books by and about underrepresented groups. LINE4LINEis a Baton Rouge-based barbershop program that strengthens literacy skills and attitudes around reading for young men of color by providing free haircuts to boys in exchange for reading books. All of the books featured on this list are available to read at the LINE4LINE barbershop program during Black History Month. 

BIPOC Businesses

This list is in progress and we are always adding to it. Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] if you have suggestions

– Search & discover thousands of Black-owned businesses near you from pharmacies to restaurants. 

Download the app and stay up to date.

Search and Discover | 25 Black-owned home decor brands to shop for your next home refresh.

– BIPOC Restaurants and Businesses in Marin County | A list of Marin County Businesses.

– BIPOC Restaurants and Businesses in Sonoma County | This list is very comprehensive and inspiring.

– Black Owned Restaurants in the Bay Area | Put your money in a good place and keep supporting these businesses.

– Marin City Health and Wellness Clinic | Our mission is to provide innovative health and wellness services to all, with the goal of African-American health equity.